by wwm | Jan 17, 2015 | Old Drafts, Uncategorized
I’ve seen guides that say they’ll teach you how to “declutter your home instantly!” I’ve never read the guides, but I can guarantee that “instantly” is a blatant lie. Even instant coffee still takes a couple minutes in the...
by wwm | Jan 17, 2014 | Old Drafts, Uncategorized
I’ve come to a conclusion: my ability to predict my future reading tastes, preferences, and available time is rather poor. I have a number of ebooks on my Kindle app that I just haven’t gotten around to, and one or two actual print books that I’ve...
by wwm | Dec 16, 2010 | Old Drafts, Uncategorized
You’ve got an event coming up, and you have no idea what to serve for food. How many people are going to be coming? What do they expect? What do you need to provide? Is it a lunch, a breakfast, a dinner, an afternoon snack, … ? Handling issues like...
by wwm | Sep 20, 2010 | Old Drafts, Uncategorized
Landfills aren’t particularly glamorous, but understanding how they work is a huge part of living a simpler, decluttered life. Most people have this vision of a landfill as a place where their stuff goes, decomposes, and eventually “returns to the...
by wwm | May 13, 2010 | Old Drafts, Uncategorized
I don’t have a high degree of attachment to most of my things. I do, however, frequently have an attachment to the function those things perform. This post is about my Birkenstock sandals. Okay, I know it’s kind of cliche. And no, I’m not being paid...
by wwm | Mar 25, 2010 | Old Drafts, Uncategorized
I was scheduled to write about the Alternate Day Diet today, but after looking back through my blog archive for what I’d written about it previously, I think that the previous posts largely speak for themselves. With the launch of Faith Janes’ Minimize...